WBA Analytical Laboratories™ provide a wide array of microbiology testing applications for food products, pet foods, and sanitation monitoring for processing, food service, or retail locations.
- Quantitative Microbiology
- Pathogen Detection
- Shelf-life Studies
- Molecular Typing
- Live Production Serology
- Consumer Relations Testing
- Sanitation Monitoring
Analysis | Analysis Methodology | ISO 17025 Accredited | Springdale | Wilkesboro |
Anaerobe APC | Mod of AOAC OMA 990.12 | yes |  | -- |
APC (Petrifilm) | AOAC 990.12, AOAC 986.33, AOAC 989.10 | yes |  |  |
APC @20C (Petrifilm) | Mod of AOAC OMA 990.12 | yes |  | -- |
Bacillus cereus | BAM Chapter 14: Bacillus cereus; Compendium: Chapter 32 | yes |  |  |
Bacillus Species | Internal Method | no | -- | -- |
Biochemical ID (Micro ID) | MLG Ch 8; AOAC OMA 989.12 | yes | -- |  |
Biochemical ID (VITEK) | MLG Ch 8, AOAC 2012.02, 2011.17, RI080801 + | yes |  | -- |
Campylobacter (cefex) | USDA/FSIS Recommended Method | yes |  |  |
Campylobacter (PCR) | AOAC RI 100201 | yes | -- |  |
Campylobacter Enumeration | USDA/FSIS Recommended Method | yes |  | -- |
Clos. Perfringens | BAM Manual Ch 16, AOAC 976.30 | yes |  |  |
Coliforms (Petrifilm) | AOAC 991.14, AOAC 986.33, AOAC 989.10 | yes |  |  |
Coliforms, Total/Fecal | AOAC OMA 991.15 | yes |  | -- |
Coliforms/E. coli (Petrifilm) | AOAC OMA 998.08, 991.14 | yes |  |  |
E. coli O157 (BAX) | AOAC RI 050501 | yes |  |  |
STEC (Real-time BAX) | AOAC RI 091301 | yes |  | -- |
E. coli O157:H7 (Real-time BAX) | AOAC RI 031002 | yes |  |  |
E. coli O157 (VIDAS ECPT) | AOAC RI 060903 | yes |  | -- |
E. coli O157:H7 Confirmation | Modification of MLG 5.05: Detection, Isolation and Identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Meat Products | yes |  | -- |
Enterobacteriaceae (Petrifilm) | AOAC 2003.01 | yes |  | -- |
Lactobacilli | Difco (MRS Agar); CCFRA 14.1 | yes |  | -- |
Listeria Confirmation | MLG Ch 8 | yes |  |  |
Listeria MPN | BAM Manual Ch10 | yes |  | -- |
Listeria sp. & LM (BAX) | AOAC RI 030502 & RI 070202 | yes |  |  |
Listeria sp. (VIDAS) | USDA/FSIS Recommended Method; AOAC 999.06 | yes |  |  |
Listeria sp. (BioRad) | AOAC RI 090701 | yes |  |  |
Pseudomonas | Oxoid Pseudomonas Agar w/CFC Sup, CCFRA 9.1 | yes |  |  |
Psychrotrophic APC | Mod of AOAC OMA 990.13 | yes |  | -- |
Salmonella (BioRad) | AOAC RI 010803 | yes |  |  |
Salmonella (BAX) | AOAC RI 100201 | yes |  |  |
Salmonella (VIDAS SPT) | AOAC 2013.01 | yes |  |  |
Salmonella Confirmation | BAM Manual Ch 5; MLG Ch 5 | yes |  |  |
Salmonella MPN | Modification of MLG App 2.03 | no | -- | -- |
Staph aureus (Petrifilm) | AOAC OMA 2003.07, 2003.11 | yes |  |  |
Total Chlorine mg/L | Hach Colorimeter | no |  |  |
Yeast and Mold (Petrifilm) | AOAC OMA 997.02 | yes |  |  |
Yeast and Mold (Rapid Petrifilm) | AOAC RI 121301 | yes |  |  |