WBA Analytical Laboratories™ provide general proximate analysis, analytical chemistry, pesticide residue analysis, nutritional analysis, and complete nutrition facts panels using analytical data or theoretical data.
Technologies utilized include:
- Gas Chromatography (ECD, FID, GC-MS)
- Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-RI, UV, Coulochem, ELSD, and HPLC-MS/MS
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP)
- Ion Chromatography
- Nitrogen by Combustion
- Standard wet chemistry methodology
Additional test methods not listed below may be available. Contact us for further information, requests, or customized services.
Analysis | Analysis Methodology | ISO 17025 Accredited | Springdale | Wilkesboro |
Aflatoxin (ELISA) | AOAC 989.06 and 990.32 | yes | -- |  |
Alimet | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
AME | Apparent Metabolizeable Energy Calculation | no |  |  |
Ammonia | Metrohm IC App Note AN-C-14 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Bacitracin (Cyclic Peptide) | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Chloramphenicol | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Nitrofurans | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | no |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Bambermycins | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Lincomycin | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Macrolides | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Penicillin G | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Quinolones | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Sulfonamides | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Antibiotics (Tetracyclines) | AOAC method 995.09 (Russian Export) | yes |  | -- |
Ash | AOAC 942.05; 923.03 | yes |  |  |
Beta Agonists | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Biogenic Amines | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Bisphenol A | LC-MS-MS | no |  | -- |
Butyric Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Carbohydrates | Calculation (PMFA) | yes |  | -- |
Chloride | AOAC 969.10 | yes |  |  |
Cholesterol | JAOAC 69 (5) pg 844-46, 1986 | yes |  | -- |
Chondroitin | WBA Internal Method | yes |  | -- |
Coccidiostats | Internal LC-MS/MS | no |  | -- |
Fat by Acid Hydrolysis | AOAC 922.06 | yes |  |  |
Fat by Rapid Soxhlet | AOAC 920.39 | yes |  |  |
Fat by Soxhlet | USDA Method "FAT1" | yes |  |  |
Fatty Acid Profile | AOCS Ce 2-66 | yes |  | -- |
Fiber, Crude | AOAC 962.09 part E, AOCS Ba 6a-05 | yes |  |  |
Fiber, Dietary | AOAC 991.42 | yes |  | -- |
Free Fatty Acids | AOCS Ca 5a-40 Modified | yes |  |  |
Glucosamine | Internal Method | yes |  | -- |
Glycerol Hydraulic Fluid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Hippuric Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Ink Dye in Tissue | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Insoluble | AOCS Ca 2c-25 | yes |  |  |
Isovaleric Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Kilocalories | Calculation (PFC) | yes |  | -- |
Lactate/Acetate | AOAC 973.31 Prep, Metrohm IC App Notes | yes |  | -- |
Minerals (ICP) | AOAC 968.08; 990.08 | yes |  |  |
Moisture, grain/feeds | AOAC 930.15 | yes |  |  |
Moisture, meat/food | USDA Method "MOI" | yes |  |  |
Moisture, Volatiles | AOCS Ca-2c-25 | yes |  |  |
Mycotoxins in Feeds - Individual or Multi-analysis | LC-MS/MS Gerstal TechNote ITN-243 | yes |  | -- |
Mycotoxins in Urine - Individual or Multi-analysis | LC-MS/MS Gerstal TechNote ITN-243 | yes |  | -- |
Nitrate | Metrohm IC App Note AN-S-20 | yes |  | -- |
Nitrite | Metrohm IC App Note AN-S-20 | yes |  | -- |
Oxidative Stability Index | AOCS Cd 12b-92 | yes | -- |  |
PCP/PCA | Internal Method | yes | -- |  |
Percent Bone | AOAC 983.19 Modified for ICP) | yes |  | -- |
Peroxides - Grain/Feed | AOCA Ca 8b-90 | yes | -- |  |
Peroxides - Oils | AOCA Ca 8b-90 | yes | -- |  |
Pesticides | FSIS Determinative Method "CHC2" July 1991 | yes |  |  |
Pesticides-RusExport | FSIS Determinative Method "CHC2" July 1991 | yes |  |  |
pH | AOAC 981.12, 943.02 | yes |  | -- |
Protein, Crude | AOAC 992.15; 990.03 | yes |  |  |
Quaternary Ammonia | Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis; 34 (2004) 909-620 | no |  | -- |
Rhodimet | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Salt | USDA Method "SLT" | yes |  |  |
Scoville Heat Units | AOAC 995.03 Modified | no |  | -- |
Sugars | AOAC 982.14 | yes |  | -- |
Taurine | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
TBA (Rancidity in Meat) | Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 37: #1, 1960 | no | -- |  |
Antibiotics - Therapeutic | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Trace Metals in Tallow | Internal (Ba,Ca,Cr,Cu,Fe,K,Li,Mg,Mn,Na,Ni,P, Pb,Si,Sr, & Zn) | no |  | -- |
Antibiotics - Trimethoprim | Mod. AOAC 995.09 | yes |  | -- |
Vitamin A | USDA "VTA" (Modified) | no | -- | -- |
Vitamin B1 - Thiamine | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B3 - Nicotinamide | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B3 - Nicotinic Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxal | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B8 - Biotin | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B9 - Folic Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vitamin C | Internal Method | yes |  | -- |
Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid | LC-MS/MS Internal | no |  | -- |
Vomitoxin | ELISA | no | -- |  |
Water Activity Ratio | Decagon Aqualab | no |  | -- |